Продукти за dmm wallnuts 11 (19)

Лешниково растение Tonda di Giffoni - директно от разсадника с удостоверена най-висока качество

Лешниково растение Tonda di Giffoni - директно от разсадника с удостоверена най-висока качество

Tonda di Giffoni - variety of Italian origin, widespread in different areas of the world due to its adaptation characteristics. The plant is of medium-high vigor with semi-erect growth. It is an early variety, very productive, with high pollen availability; in Mediterranean areas flowering is protandrous, and in temperate areas protoginy and homogamy. The fruits are medium-sized (2.5-2.8 g), round, light brown in color, moderately streaked, with an involucre longer than the fruit. The core accounts for 46-48% of the weight of the fruit and has a very good taste, both for direct consumption and for industry. It is poorly resistant to the bud mite (Phytocoptella avellanae), has medium resistance to the hazelnut beetle (Balaninus nucum) and high resistance to the fungus Anisogramma anomala. It is harvested at the end of September.
Бонбони с мед и евкалипт 100г

Бонбони с мед и евкалипт 100г

Bonbons boules au miel et eucalyptus. Sachet de 100g. Ingrédients : sucre, sirop de glucose, miel (15%), huiles essentielles d'eucalyptus, menthol.


Fruto seco con cáscara ecológica procedente de agricultura orgánica. De calidad premium, nuestras nueces con propiedades saludables únicas son el tentempié ideal mas beneficioso que puedas imaginar.
Орехово ядро - ОРЕХ

Орехово ядро - ОРЕХ

Walnuts, which are especially popular in winter, contain a lot of useful nutrients for our health. It is an essential element of both traditional and reform nutrition. The walnut or nut tree is a genus belonging to the Nutaceae or Nutraceae family. It is native to Hungary as well, and in the Carpathian basin you can find two types more often: one is the edible ordinary walnut, and the other is the black walnut planted as an ornamental tree in Europe. It has spread in folk medicine due to its blood purifying effect, and is used in cases of gastritis and enteritis. Externally, it is used to treat skin diseases, acne, ulcers, and eczema. Rich in minerals. The calcium content helps maintain the health of bones and teeth, contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis, and plays a role in the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. Zinc is necessary for the production of insulin, growth and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Слънчево сушени Кандак кайсии - Търговия на едро с натурални сушени сладки кайсии

Слънчево сушени Кандак кайсии - Търговия на едро с натурални сушени сладки кайсии

DRIED APRICOT - KANDAK Grade: High Origin: Uzbekistan Type: Unpitted, Subkhon, Uzbekistan Packaging: 5 | 10kg carton box. 250 | 500gr pouch bags Retail packing and private label options are available. Way to use: Cooking and baking Direct deliveries from Uzbekistan. Minimum order – 20 mt ( One full truck ). Mixed loadings are also organized. The product is ready for departure in the course of 14 days since the order moment The delivery is carried out worldwide, by the most appropriate method: by ships, by trains, or by trucks. First 2 deliveries are carried out on the conditions of prepayment. If the cooperation proves to be successful, the deferment of payment becomes possible. SKU Code:2012


Recoltées mains dans le Périgord, conditionnées selon vos besoins
Борови ядки - Сушени плодове

Борови ядки - Сушени плодове

Pignons de Pin - Fruits Secs UGS:10185 Poids:0.1 kg
Печени Обелени Лешници

Печени Обелени Лешници

Le gustose nocciole sgusciate e tostate le riconosci subito per il loro profumo delizioso. Ne esistono davvero tante varietà e differiscono per la loro particolare forma che può essere tonda o allungata. Tutte le nocciole hanno, però, un comune denominatore: fanno gola al palato e sono delle vere protagoniste in cucina, essendo perfette sia nei piatti dolci che salati. Le puoi aggiungere ai cereali, alle insalate, alle salse, ai budini o utilizzarle per conferire croccantezza e gusto a primi piatti, secondi di pesce e di carne. Oltretutto, sono veramente preziose in pasticceria e in gelateria perché costituiscono un ingrediente base di tantissime creazioni, come creme, gelati e torte. Le nocciole sgusciate e tostate, oltre ad essere squisite ed irresistibili, sono anche benefiche per il nostro organismo: sono ricche di vitamina E, un antiossidante utile per la prevenzione di alcuni tipi di tumore e sono un’ottima fonte di fosforo, potassio, calcio e proteine.
Бели орехи сорт Соренто

Бели орехи сорт Соренто

Noci bianche varietà Sorrento.Confezioni da 5kg a 50kg.
Орехи с подправки

Орехи с подправки

Our company this year has launched a new product under the GoodNut trademark - a walnut with spices. At the moment in our assortment: walnut spicy walnut picantny walnut caramel walnut italian herbs walnut blanche This type of product can be purchased in the following packages: plastic tubes 150, 200, 250 g, vacuum 1 kg and 5 kg.


Περιέχει μπανάνα ,φυτική μαργαρίνη ,ζάχαρη, αυγά, κακάο,
Цели Кестени Стъкленица 420г

Цели Кестени Стъкленица 420г

- Châtaignes entières Bocal 420g - Châtaignes entières BIO Bocal 420g - Châtaignes entières AOP 420g A réchauffer à la poêle ou au four, en accompagnement de volaille ou de gibier
Обелени борови ядки - Ядро от борови ядки

Обелени борови ядки - Ядро от борови ядки

Notre usine Siberia Gold transforme les pignons de pin en noyau. Nous exportons des pignons de pin frais. Nous pouvons proposer des pignons de pin pelés emballés sous vide d’un entrepôt en Russie et d’un entrepôt en Allemagne.
Бонбони с мед 100г

Бонбони с мед 100г

Bonbons au miel, sachet de 100g. Ingrédients : Sucre, Sirop de glucose, miel (15%).
Орехови ядки - Търговия на едро с орехови ядки

Орехови ядки - Търговия на едро с орехови ядки

WALNUT KERNELS Available grades: High Fraction: 1/2 Origin: Uzbekistan Type: Extra-Light, Light, Amber Packaging: 5 | 10kg carton box. 250 | 500gr pouch bags Retail packing and private label options are available. Way to use: Cooking and baking Direct deliveries from Uzbekistan. Minimum order – 20 mt ( One full truck ). Mixed loadings are also organized. The product is ready for departure in the course of 14 days since the order moment The delivery is carried out worldwide, by the most appropriate method: by ships, by trains, or by trucks. First 2 deliveries are carried out on the conditions of prepayment. If the cooperation proves to be successful, the deferment of payment becomes possible. SKU Code:5001/ 5002/ 5003/ 5004/5005
Слънчево сушени безкостилкови субкон кайсии - Търговия на едро с натурални сушени сладки кайсии

Слънчево сушени безкостилкови субкон кайсии - Търговия на едро с натурални сушени сладки кайсии

NATURAL DRIED PITTED SUBKHON APRICOTS Grade: Jumbo / High Without any preservatives: Origin: Uzbekistan Type: Pitted Subkhon apricot, Uzbekistan Packaging: 5 | 10kg carton box. 250 | 500gr pouch bags Retail packing and private label options are available. Way to use: Cooking and baking Direct deliveries from Uzbekistan. Minimum order – 20 mt ( One full truck ). Mixed loadings are also organized. The product is ready for departure in the course of 14 days since the order moment The delivery is carried out worldwide, by the most appropriate method: by ships, by trains, or by trucks. First 2 deliveries are carried out on the conditions of prepayment. If the cooperation proves to be successful, the deferment of payment becomes possible. SKU Code:2009/2010
Figuettes - Захаросани / Дехидратирани Плодове

Figuettes - Захаросани / Дехидратирани Плодове

Figuettes - Fruits Confits / Déshydratés UGS:10123 Poids:0.1 kg


Fruto seco sin piel ecológico procedente de agricultura orgánica. La almendra es el fruto perfecto para una alimentación saludable ya que contiene grasas y antioxidantes naturales. Una alternativa perfecta para los intolerantes con la lactosa.